Monday, January 27, 2014

Gaining Momentum

We created this blog so we could start spreading the word about our business. We make stuff. We are "lazy artists" who create as the muse comes. We don't have a "storefront" or a huge catalog, but we are building inventory, slowly, but surely. And we have help. While I would bet you're waiting to see what we do, we'll start here with who we do it with. Meet Stella. She's a muse of sorts- we discovered we work really well together when we built a gate for the deck to keep her from running off to chase the neighborhood cats. She's a silly ass and we couldn't be more in love with her. We'll be back soon, and we should be including product on the next post. Happy Monday!

Monday, January 13, 2014

Time for a change

So, Brent and I were working together this weekend on a fence in the back yard around the fire pit/ grill area and I said, "I'd love to be able to stay home and blog for a living so I could spend more time working on stuff with you! Wouldn't it be great if we could get paid to do what we love?!"

He agreed so we came up with the name for what we do: make stuff out of wood, live in the woods, burn wood, paint wood, yadda, yadda, yadda... now you know why this blog is called Wood'nt Ya Know. Yeah, it cracks me up, too.

More to come!